Join us for a group ho’oponopono session where you will move through the work of forgiveness in order to restore what we call pono; right alignment, balance and connection.
Ho?oponopono is a healing practice from the Hawaiian Islands. Every family had their way to practice and find a loving resolution within the family. If it was needed it would be done on a daily basis before the setting of the sun and continues to be the first process we undertake before any other healing takes place.
Ho’oponopono has been used for generations to make right in relationships and remove mental obstructions with unconditional love. Many a times our mind justifies why we are not living in truth. Ho?oponopono resolves where we have stepped outside the line of truth- in thinking; in intention; in action. We explore why there is unhappiness in life, by extracting the baggage and releasing it.
Come and hear the story of the Bowl Of Light and be inspired by the ancient and timeless way of pono, right alignment, ongoing connection and the Spirit of aloha preserved by our ancestors.
Event Programm: The event will start at 13:00 and it will continue until it is finished. You are welcome 30 min. prior to the event start time (12:30) to have a cup of tea and settle in the energies.
Please be aware that it is a sacred process to allow yourself and others to go through the process of forgiveness, gratitude and unconditional love. We therefore ask all participants to not leave before everyone has had the opportunity to release their stones and reclaim their light.
What to bring: - If you have a personal object you would like to place on the altar (Akua) please bring it with you. - As it is a longer process, please wear comfortable clothing. - Stools & Meditation cushions are provided, if you prefer something else to sit on and feel free to bring it with you. - Please bring your own lunch or light meal. - Tea & Water will be provided.
14 februari | 12:30 - 23:00 uur. Costs: 200,00 euro.
Star of Light is een coaching uit Nederland. Trefwoorden van Star of Light uit Heerlen : healing, bodywork, sjamanisme, energetische therapie, trauma therapie, traumaverwerking, traumarelease, lichaamsgerichte therapie, verbinding vinden, bewustzijn, embodiment, maan medicijn cirkel, soundhealing, aroma touch behandeling, aroma massage, in evenwicht komen, yoga, meditatie, regenboog training .
bron : Star of Light
Geplaatst op woensdag 7 februari 2024.