During hot stone massages, the therapist places flat, smooth, heated stones on parts of your body. These stones are made out of basalt which is a volcanic rock retaining heat. The stones are heated up to 145 degrees and can be placed on your face, palms, stomach, chest, toes, feet, and along the spine. Massage techniques like vibration, kneading, tapping, long strokes and circular movements are used during the massage. Note that sometimes cold stones can be used after hot ones to soothe the sin and calm the blood vessels.
The earliest hot stone massage is said to have been in India and it began 5,000 years ago. The practice was called Ayurveda and it included placing stones on the body to relieve pain and tension in the muscles. The Chinese also used stones that were called Bian whilst burning mugwort to treat various diseases. For better digestion, the Chinese tended to place stones on their abdomen. Natives of the Sandwich Islands or Hawaii knew that using lava rocks wrapped in leaves relieved pain. The leaves were given by medicine shamans by the name of Kahunas.
Some of the most common benefits of hot stone massages are pain relief and muscle tension relief. Such massages reduce anxiety and stress plus you get to have better sleep after the relaxation you have. Hot stone massages relieve symptoms of conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, cancer, and fibromyalgia. Both of these diseases are linked to chronic pain and when it comes to cancer, massages deal with nausea from the treatment, as well.
Hot stone massages are known to boost the immune system thanks to decreasing the arginine-vasopressin hormone that regulates water retention and blood pressure.
Hot stone massages are safe but there are circumstances that must be avoided at all costs. You should consult a specialist before getting a massage if you have open wounds, blood clots, burns, bleeding disorders, diabetes, thrombocytopenia, osteoporosis, or surgery in the last two months.Note that hot stone massages are not recommended for pregnant women, so you should ask your doctor before getting one. The usage of sheets or towels between the stones and the skin is a must but to be safe, check how the therapist heats the stones. Professional stone heaters must be used and not hot plates, ovens, slow cookers, or microwaves.
About Us:
For Vital Stream, a massage therapy center located in The Hague, massage is the perfect way to combine a nice experience with benefits for your body. The center was founded by Rositsa Ivanova whose belief is that massages can help people overcome their chronic and temporary health issues. Clients can experience massage techniques that are based on classical massages as well as elements of kinesitherapy and specialized techniques. Being in a good shape mentally and physically must not be a hard thing to do, especially when you are in the hands of professionals.
Vital Stream | Massage Therapie Center is een massage uit Nederland. Trefwoorden van Vital Stream | Massage Therapie Center uit Den Haag : zeetherapie rijswijk, Thalasso Therapie rijswijk, Medicinale massage rijswijk, Massage Therapie rijswijk, Regelmatige massage rijswijk, massage den haag, massage Scheveningen, amandel- en druivenpitolie rijswijk, massageolie rijswijk, Massage Therapie Center rijswijk, Vital Stream rijswijk, Diepe weefselmassage rijswijk, bindweefsel massage rijswijk, Antistress therapie rijswijk, Rugpijn therapie rijswijk, .
bron : Vital Stream | Massage Therapie Center
Geplaatst op donderdag 8 augustus 2024.